

← Standard library See on GitHub ↗

// libmd implements a Markdown parser and renderer

	slice: slice
	map: map
	each: each
	take: take
	filter: filter
	reduce: reduce
	every: every
	append: append
} := import('std')
	digit?: digit?
	letter?: letter?
	space?: space?
	word?: word?
	lower: lower
	indexOf: indexOf
	startsWith?: startsWith?
	endsWith?: endsWith?
	trimStart: trimStart
	replace: replace
	join: join
	split: split
} := import('str')
	format: format
} := import('fmt')
	percentDecode: percentDecode
} := import('http')

// Type-generic Reader over an Oak iterable interface, i.e. strings and lists.
// This Reader is generic so that we can read through either a string (a list
// of chars) or a list of strings.
fn Reader(s) {
	i := 0

	fn peek s.(i)
	fn last s.(i + 1)
	fn back if i {
		0 -> 0
		_ -> i <- i - 1
	fn next if i {
		len(s) -> ?
		_ -> {
			c := s.(i)
			i <- i + 1
	fn expect?(prefix) if s |> slice(i) |> startsWith?(prefix) {
		true -> {
			i <- i + len(prefix)
		_ -> false
	fn itemIndex(list, it) {
		fn sub(i) if i < len(list) {
			true -> if list.(i) {
				it -> i
				_ -> sub(i + 1)
			_ -> -1
	fn readUntil(c) if index := s |> slice(i) |> itemIndex(c) {
		-1 -> ?
		_ -> {
			substr := s |> slice(i, i + index)
			i <- i + index
	fn readUntilPrefix(prefix) {
		fn sub(index) if index + len(prefix) <= len(s) -> {
			if part := s |> slice(index, index + len(prefix)) {
				prefix -> {
					substr := s |> slice(i, index)
					i <- index
				_ -> sub(i + 1)
	fn readUntilEnd {
		substr := s |> slice(i)
		i <- len(s)
	// readUntilMatchingDelim is a helper specifically for parsing delimited
	// expressions like text in [] or (), that will attempt to read until a
	// matching delimiter and return that read if the match exists, and return
	// () if no match exists. This fn accounts for nested delimiters and
	// ignores matching pairs within the delimited text expression.
	fn readUntilMatchingDelim(left) {
		right := if left {
			// currently only supports [] and () (for Markdown links)
			'[' -> ']'
			'(' -> ')'

		fn sub(index, stack) if stack {
			0 -> index - 1
			_ -> if c := s.(index) {
				? -> -1
				left -> sub(index + 1, stack + 1)
				right -> sub(index + 1, stack - 1)
				_ -> sub(index + 1, stack)

		if matchingDelimIdx := sub(i, 1) {
			-1 -> ?
			_ -> {
				substr := s |> slice(i, matchingDelimIdx)
				i <- matchingDelimIdx

		peek: peek
		last: last
		back: back
		next: next
		expect?: expect?
		readUntil: readUntil
		readUntilPrefix: readUntilPrefix
		readUntilEnd: readUntilEnd
		readUntilMatchingDelim: readUntilMatchingDelim

// uword? reports whether a given character is a "word character", i.e. whether
// it is a part of a normal word. It intends to be UTF8 Unicode-aware and is
// used for text token disambiguation.
fn uword?(c) if word?(c) {
	true -> true
	_ -> codepoint(c) > 127

// tokenizeText tokenizes a paragraph or paragraph-like Markdown text (like
// headers) into a token stream
// This function encapsulates all disambiguation rules for e.g. parens inside A
// (link) tag parens, underscores inside words, and escaped special characters
// with backslashes.
fn tokenizeText(line) {
	reader := Reader(line)

	peek := reader.peek
	next := reader.next

	tokens := ['']
	fn push(tok) tokens << tok << ''
	fn append(suffix) tokens.(len(tokens) - 1) << suffix

	fn sub if c := next() {
		? -> ?
		// italics & bold
		'_', '*' -> {
			if peek() {
				c -> {
					push(c + c)
				_ -> push(c)
		// \ escapes any character
		'\\' -> if d := next() {
			? -> ?
			_ -> sub(append(d))
		// code snippet
		// strikethrough
		// image
		'!', '[', ']', '(', ')' -> sub(push(c))
		_ -> sub(append(c))

	tokens |> with filter() fn(tok) tok != ''

// unifyTextNodes normalizes a Markdown AST so that runs of consecutive plain
// text nodes (strings) are combined into single plain text nodes.
fn unifyTextNodes(nodes, joiner) nodes |> with reduce([]) fn(acc, child) if type(child) {
	:string -> if type(acc.(len(acc) - 1)) {
		:string -> {
			acc.(len(acc) - 1) << joiner << child
		_ -> acc << child
	_ -> acc << if child.children {
		? -> child
		_ -> child.children := unifyTextNodes(child.children, joiner)

// parseText takes a stream of inline tokens from a header or paragraph section
// of a Markdown document and produces a list of inline AST nodes to be
// included in a Node.H or Node.P.
fn parseText(tokens) {
	reader := Reader(tokens)

	peek := reader.peek
	next := reader.next
	readUntil := reader.readUntil
	readUntilMatchingDelim := reader.readUntilMatchingDelim

	fn handleDelimitedRange(tok, tag, nodes, sub) if range := readUntil(tok) {
		? -> sub(nodes << tok)
		_ -> {
			next() // eat trailing tok
			sub(nodes << {
				tag: tag
				children: parseText(range)

	fn sub(nodes) if tok := next() {
		? -> nodes
		'_' -> handleDelimitedRange('_', :em, nodes, sub)
		'__' -> handleDelimitedRange('__', :strong, nodes, sub)
		'*' -> handleDelimitedRange('*', :em, nodes, sub)
		'**' -> handleDelimitedRange('**', :strong, nodes, sub)
		'`' -> handleDelimitedRange('`', :code, nodes, sub)
		'~' -> handleDelimitedRange('~', :strike, nodes, sub)
		'[' -> if range := readUntilMatchingDelim('[') {
			? -> sub(nodes << tok)
			['x'] -> {
				next() // eat matching ]
				sub(nodes << {
					tag: :checkbox
					checked: true
			[' '] -> {
				next() // eat matching ]
				sub(nodes << {
					tag: :checkbox
					checked: false
			// eat matching ], then (
			_ -> if c := (next(), next()) {
				'(' -> if urlRange := readUntilMatchingDelim(c) {
					? -> sub(nodes << tok + join(range) + ']' + c)
					_ -> {
						next() // swallow matching )
						sub(nodes << {
							tag: :a
							href: join(urlRange)
							children: parseText(range)
				? -> sub(nodes << tok + join(range) + ']')
				_ -> sub(nodes << tok + join(range) + ']' + c)
		'!' -> if peek() {
			'[' -> if range := (next(), readUntilMatchingDelim('[')) {
				? -> sub(nodes << tok + '[')
				['x'] -> {
					next() // eat matching ]
					sub(nodes << tok << {
						tag: :checkbox
						checked: true
				[' '] -> {
					next() // eat matching ]
					sub(nodes << tok << {
						tag: :checkbox
						checked: false
				// eat matching ], then (
				_ -> if c := (next(), next()) {
					'(' -> if urlRange := readUntilMatchingDelim(c) {
						? -> sub(nodes << tok + '[' + join(range) + ']' + c)
						_ -> {
							next() // swallow matching )
							sub(nodes << {
								tag: :img
								alt: join(range)
								src: join(urlRange)
					? -> sub(nodes << tok + '[' + join(range) + ']')
					_ -> sub(nodes << tok + '[' + join(range) + ']' + c)
			_ -> sub(nodes << tok)
		_ -> sub(nodes << tok)
	sub([]) |> unifyTextNodes('')

fn uListItemLine?(line) if line {
	? -> false
	_ -> line |> trimStart() |> startsWith?('- ')

fn oListItemLine?(line) if line {
	? -> false
	_ -> {
		trimmedStart := line |> trimStart()
		if dotIdx := trimmedStart |> indexOf('. ') {
			-1, 0 -> false
			_ -> trimmedStart |> slice(0, dotIdx) |> split() |> every(digit?)

fn listItemLine?(line) uListItemLine?(line) | oListItemLine?(line)

fn trimUListGetLevel(reader) {
	level := len(reader.readUntil('-'))
	reader.next() // '-'
	reader.next() // ' '

fn trimOListGetLevel(reader) {
	peek := reader.peek
	next := reader.next

	// read while whitespace
	fn sub(i) if space?(peek()) {
		true -> {
			sub(i + 1)
		_ -> i
	level := sub(0)

	// eat until dot
	next() // eat the .

	// if space after dot, swallow it
	if peek() {
		' ' -> next()

// lineNodeType reports the node type of a particular Markdown line for parsing
fn lineNodeType(line) if {
	line = ? -> ?
	line = '' -> :empty
	startsWith?(line, '# ') -> :h1
	startsWith?(line, '## ') -> :h2
	startsWith?(line, '### ') -> :h3
	startsWith?(line, '#### ') -> :h4
	startsWith?(line, '##### ') -> :h5
	startsWith?(line, '###### ') -> :h6
	startsWith?(line, '>') -> :blockquote
	startsWith?(line, '```') -> :pre
	startsWith?(line, '---'), startsWith?(line, '***') -> :hr
	startsWith?(line, '!html') -> :rawHTML
	uListItemLine?(line) -> :ul
	oListItemLine?(line) -> :ol
	_ -> :p

// parse parses a byte string of Markdown formatted text into a Markdown AST,
// by looking at each line and either changing internal state if the line is a
// special line like a code fence or a raw HTML literal, or calling
// tokenizeText() if the line is a raw paragraph or header.
fn parse(text) text |> split('\n') |> Reader() |> parseDoc()

// parseDoc parses a Markdown docment from a line Reader. This allows
// sub-sections of the document to re-use this document parser to parse e.g.
// quoted sections that should be parsed as an independent subsection by
// providing a line Reader interface.
fn parseDoc(lineReader) {
	fn sub(doc) if nodeType := lineNodeType(lineReader.peek()) {
		:h1, :h2, :h3, :h4, :h5, :h6 -> sub(doc << parseHeader(nodeType, lineReader))
		:blockquote -> sub(doc << parseBlockQuote(lineReader))
		:pre -> sub(doc << parseCodeBlock(lineReader))
		:ul, :ol -> sub(doc << parseList(lineReader, nodeType))
		:rawHTML -> sub(doc << parseRawHTML(lineReader))
		:p -> sub(doc << parseParagraph(lineReader))
		:hr -> {
			sub(doc << { tag: :hr })
		:empty -> {
		_ -> doc

fn parseHeader(nodeType, lineReader) {
	reader := Reader(lineReader.next())
	reader.readUntil(' ')

	text := reader.readUntilEnd()
		tag: nodeType
		children: tokenizeText(text) |> parseText()

fn parseBlockQuote(lineReader) {
	peek := lineReader.peek
	next := lineReader.next

	// A piece of a document inside a quoted block needs to be parsed as if it
	// were its own document. The BlockQuotedLineReader provides a line Reader
	// that masquerades as a document reader to parseDoc.
	fn BlockQuoteLineReader(lineReader) {
		fn returnIfQuoted(line) if lineNodeType(line) {
			:blockquote -> line |> slice(1)
			_ -> ?

		fn peek returnIfQuoted(lineReader.peek())
		fn last returnIfQuoted(lineReader.last())
		fn back lineReader.back()
		fn next if lineNodeType(lineReader.peek()) {
			:blockquote -> lineReader.next() |> trimStart('>')
			_ -> ?
		fn expect? ? // NOTE: not implemented
		fn readUntil(c) lineReader.readdUntil('>' << c) |>
			with map() fn(line) line |> slice(1)
		fn readUntilPrefix(prefix) lineReader.readUntilPrefix('>' << c) |>
			with map() fn(line) line |> slice(1)
		fn readUntilMatchingDelim ? // NOTE: not implemented

			peek: peek
			last: last
			back: back
			next: next
			expect?: expect?
			readUntil: readUntil
			readUntilPrefix: readUntilPrefix
			readUntilEnd: lineReader.readUntilEnd
			readUntilMatchingDelim: readUntilMatchingDelim

		tag: :blockquote
		children: BlockQuoteLineReader(lineReader) |> parseDoc()

fn parseCodeBlock(lineReader) {
	peek := lineReader.peek
	next := lineReader.next

	startTag := next() // eat starting pre tag
	lang := if rest := startTag |> slice(3) {
		'' -> ''
		_ -> rest

	fn sub(lines) if lineNodeType(peek()) {
		:pre, ? -> lines
		_ -> sub(lines << next())
	children := sub([])

	next() // eat ending pre tag

		tag: :pre
		children: [{
			tag: :code
			lang: lang
			children: unifyTextNodes(children, '\n')

fn parseRawHTML(lineReader) {
	peek := lineReader.peek
	next := lineReader.next

	startMarkLine := next()
	firstLine := startMarkLine |> slice(len('!html '))

	fn sub(lines) if lineNodeType(peek()) {
		:empty, ? -> lines
		_ -> sub(lines << next())
	children := sub([firstLine])

		tag: :rawHTML
		children: unifyTextNodes(children, '\n')

fn parseList(lineReader, listType) {
	peek := lineReader.peek
	next := lineReader.next

	fn sub(items) if listItemLine?(peek()) {
		false -> items
		_ -> {
			// TODO: provide a way for one listItem to contain 2+ paragraphs
			// The current convention seems to be that if there is at least one
			// multi-paragraph listItem in a UL, every listItem in the UL gets
			// <p>s rather than inline text nodes as content.
			line := next()
			lineType := lineNodeType(line)
			reader := Reader(line)
			trimmer := if lineType {
				:ul -> trimUListGetLevel
				:ol -> trimOListGetLevel
			level := trimmer(reader)

			text := reader.readUntilEnd()
			listItem := {
				tag: :li
				level: level
				children: tokenizeText(text) |> parseText()

			// handle list items that have distinct levels
			if lastItem := items.(len(items) - 1) {
				? -> sub(items << listItem)
				_ -> if {
					lastItem.level = level -> if lineType {
						// continue if same list type; otherwise re-parse
						listType -> sub(items << listItem)
						_ -> {
					lastItem.level < level -> {
						// indent in: begin parsing a separate list
						list := parseList(lineReader, lineType)
						lastItem.children << list
					_ -> {
						// indent out: give up control in this parsing depth
	children := sub([])

	// remove the level annotations
	children |> each(fn(child) if child.tag = :li -> child.level := _)

		tag: listType
		children: children

fn parseParagraph(lineReader) {
	peek := lineReader.peek
	next := lineReader.next

	fn sub(lines) if lineNodeType(peek()) {
		:p -> {
			text := next()
			if [text |> endsWith?('  '), text.(len(text) - 1)] {
				[true, _] -> {
					lines |> append(text |> take(len(text) - 2) |>
						tokenizeText() |> parseText())
					sub(lines << { tag: :br })
				[_, '\\'] -> {
					lines |> append(text |> take(len(text) - 1) |>
						tokenizeText() |> parseText())
					sub(lines << { tag: :br })
				_ -> sub(lines |> append(tokenizeText(text) |> parseText()))
		_ -> lines

		tag: :p
		children: sub([]) |> unifyTextNodes(' ')

// compile transforms a Markdown AST node to HTML
fn compile(nodes) nodes |> map(compileNode) |> join()

fn wrap(tag, node) '<' << tag << '>' << compile(node.children) << '</' << tag << '>'

fn sanitizeAttr(attr) {
	attr |> map(fn(c) if c {
		'<' -> '&lt;'
		'\'' -> '&apos;'
		'"' -> '&quot;'
		_ -> c

fn sanitizeURL(url) {
	encodedURL := url |> percentDecode() |> map(fn(c) if {
		word?(c), c = '/', c = ':' -> c
		_ -> ''
	}) |> lower()
	if {
		encodedURL |> startsWith?('javascript:')
		encodedURL |> startsWith?('data:') -> ''
		_ -> sanitizeAttr(url)

// compileNode transforms an individual Markdown AST node into HTML
fn compileNode(node) if type(node) {
	:string -> node |> map(fn(c) if c {
		'&' -> '&amp;'
		'<' -> '&lt;'
		_ -> c
	_ -> if node.tag {
		:p, :em, :strong, :strike
		:h1, :h2, :h3, :h4, :h5, :h6
		:pre, :ul, :ol, :li, :blockquote -> wrap(node.tag |> string(), node)
		:a -> '<a href="{{0}}">{{1}}</a>' |> format(sanitizeURL(node.href), compile(node.children))
		:img -> '<img alt="{{0}}" src="{{1}}"/>' |> format(sanitizeAttr(node.alt), sanitizeURL(node.src))
		:code -> if node.lang {
			'', ? -> wrap('code', node)
			_ -> '<code data-lang="{{0}}">{{1}}</code>' |>
				format(sanitizeAttr(node.lang), compile(node.children))
		:checkbox -> '<input type="checkbox" ' << if node.checked {
			true -> 'checked'
			_ -> ''
		} << '/>'
		:br -> '<br/>'
		:hr -> '<hr/>'
		:rawHTML -> node.children.0
		_ -> '<span style="color:red">Unknown Markdown node {{0}}</span>' |> format(string(node) |> compileNode())

// transform wraps the Markdown parser and compiler into a single function to be
// invoked by the library consumer.
fn transform(text) text |> parse() |> compile()