

← Standard library See on GitHub ↗

// libcli parses command line options and arguments

	default: default
	slice: slice
	join: join
	each: each
} := import('std')
	startsWith?: startsWith?
} := import('str')

// _maybeOpt checks if a given string is a CLI flag, and if so returns the name
// of the flag. If not, it returns ?
fn _maybeOpt(part) if {
	part |> startsWith?('--') -> part |> slice(2)
	part |> startsWith?('-') -> part |> slice(1)
	_ -> ?

// parseArgv parses command-line arguments of the form
// `./exe verb --flag option arg1 arg2 arg3`
// Supports:
//     -flag (implied true)
//     --flag (implied true)
//     -opt val
//     --opt val
// and all other values are considered (positional) arguments. Flags respect
// the '--' convention for signaling the start of purely positional arguments.
fn parseArgv(argv) {
	// if a flag is in the verb position, amend argv to have verb = ?
	if _maybeOpt(default(argv.2, '')) != ? -> {
		argv <- slice(argv, 0, 2) |> join([?]) |> join(slice(argv, 2))

	opts := {}
	args := []

	lastOpt := ?
	onlyPositional? := false

	argv |> slice(3) |> with each() fn(part) if {
		part = ? -> ?
		part = '--' -> onlyPositional? <- true
		onlyPositional? -> args << part
		_ -> if [lastOpt, opt := _maybeOpt(part)] {
			// not opt, no prev opt -> positional arg
			[?, ?] -> args << part
			// not opt, prev opt exists -> flag value
			[_, ?] -> {
				opts.(lastOpt) := part
				lastOpt <- ?
			// is opt, no prev opt -> queue opt
			[?, _] -> lastOpt <- opt
			// is opt, prev opt exists -> last opt = true, queue opt
			_ -> {
				opts.(lastOpt) := true
				lastOpt <- opt

	// if flag was queued, mark it as true
	if lastOpt != ? -> opts.(lastOpt) := true

		exe: argv.0
		main: argv.1
		verb: argv.2
		opts: opts
		args: args

// parse
fn parse() parseArgv(args())