
compile.oak L17 - 122

See original ↗

Cli := cli.parse()
Cli.args := [Cli.verb] |> append(Cli.args)

[srcPath, destPath] := Cli.args

// Exit early if incorrect usage
if srcPath = ? | destPath = ? -> {
	println('Usage: ./compile.oak <source.md> <dest.html>')

fn nblog(xs...) println('[notebook]', xs...)

// highlightOak syntax-highlightings an Oak code snippet. Under the hood, this
// calls out to the `oak cat` command to accomplish this. Note that this
// function is synchronous, while `compileOakToJS` below is not.
fn highlightOak(panelIndex, prog) {
	evt := exec(Cli.exe, ['cat', '--html', '--stdin'], prog)
	if evt.type {
		:error -> {
			nblog('Could not syntax-highlight panel ', panelIndex)
		_ -> evt.stdout

// compileOakToJS compiles an Oak program into JavaScript, internally calling
// out to `oak build --web` under the hood. Note that this function is
// asynchronous and returns the result in a callback, in contrast to
// `highlightOak` above, which is synchronous and blocking.
fn compileOakToJS(prog, withJS) {
	buildArgs := ['build'
		'--entry', '/tmp/in.oak'
		'--output', '/tmp/out.js'
	with fs.writeFile('/tmp/in.oak', prog) fn(res) if res {
		? -> withJS(?)
		_ -> with exec(Cli.exe, buildArgs, '') fn(evt) if {
			evt.type = :error -> withJS(?)
			evt.status != 0 -> {
			_ -> with fs.readFile('/tmp/out.js') fn(jsProg) if jsProg {
				? -> withJS(?)
				_ -> withJS(jsProg)

with fs.readFile(path.resolve(srcPath)) fn(file) if file {
	? -> nblog('Could not read file', srcPath)
	_ -> {
		runners := [] // calls to initialize each panel
		snippets := [] // panel definitions

		content := md.parse(file) |> map(fn(block, i) if {
			// syntax-highlight Oak code snippets
			block.tag = :pre & block.children.(0).lang = 'oak' -> {
				block.children.(0).children.0 := {
					tag: :rawHTML
					children: [highlightOak(i, block.children.(0).children.0)]
			// compile panel definition snippets out of the document, and
			// replace them with panel placeholder <div>s
			block.tag = :pre & block.children.(0).lang = 'notebook' -> {
				runners << 'panel_{{0}}()' |> fmt.format(i)
				snippets << 'fn panel_{{0}} { nb := Notebook({{ 0 }}), {{1}}, nb.register(display), nb.display() }' |>
					fmt.format(i, block.children.(0).children.0)
					tag: :rawHTML
					children: ['<div class="oak-notebook-panel panel-{{ 0 }}"></div>' |> fmt.format(i)]
			_ -> block
		}) |> md.compile()

		// the final Oak script to be included in the page includes a "prelude"
		// with the Oak Notebook runtime, definitions of all the panels, and
		// calls to initialize each panel
		panelProg := [
			snippets |> join(',')
			runners |> join(',')
		] |> join(',')

		// compile and save the notebook HTML page
		with compileOakToJS(panelProg) fn(script) if script {
			? -> nblog('Could not compile script')
			_ -> with fs.writeFile(
				Template |> fmt.format({
					content: content
					script: script
			) fn(res) if res {
				? -> nblog('Could not save file!')
				_ -> nblog('Saved.')